In-House Solutions

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The library of Mastercam Training Solutions, published by In-House Solutions, grows every year. Their full-time TechDoc team, comprised of Mastercam specialists and trainers, has been at it longer than anyone else in the industry.

Their mission is to provide quality tools accessible to anyone who wants to learn or teach Mastercam. In-House Solutions offers four primary book series that cater to different styles of learning. Each print title includes demo software, referred to as the Mastercam Home Learning Edition (HLE) DVD.

In-House Solution's flagship line, the Training Tutorial Series, is available in either imperial or metric units. Select titles within this series also include a Video Training DVD.

Certifications for Accountability:

In-House Solutions offers stackable certifications that may give high school students the opportunity to extend their knowledge and skills into higher education, industry certifications, or workplace entry/advancement. 

Click here to learn more about In-House Solutions certifications. 
