The Food Science, Dietetics, and Nutrition curriculum teaches students about the science of food production and processing, basic nutrition concepts, and dietetics. Real-world experiences and techniques pertaining to food science are found in the activities of the dehydration of fruits and vegetables, observing microscopic cultures, and using software to analyze ingredients of common foods consumed by teens. Through such activities, students learn about food preservation, food safety, microorganism growth, food nutrition labels, and what the future of food science holds. The process of thermodynamics is also discussed as students learn how to make ice cream by following a simple recipe.


Food Production and Services Food Science, Dietetics, and Nutrition Nutrition and Wellness FCCLA Integration
Module Equipment Includes
Student Workbook, Instructor's Manual, Installation CD, Incubator, Dehydrator, Dehydrator Tray Set, Paring Knife (2), Cutting Board (2), Diet Software, Crop Identification Kit, Encyclopedia Software, Plastic Container, Measuring Cup Set, Measuring Spoon Set, Electronic Scale, Lab Coat (2), Safety Glasses (2), Scissors, Plastic Mixing Bowl, Thermometer, Scrub Brush, Plastic Spoon, Headphones (2), Module Box (2), Food Science, Dietetics, and Nutrition Supply Kit for 100 Students
Part # and Description
MP4002 Food Science, Dietetics, and Nutrition |
Curriculum Specifications
No information available.